Mold under the mattress is a potential problem in any RV, In this article, we learn How to Prevent Mold Under an RV Mattress!

Mold not only detracts from the beauty of an RV bedroom but also causes health problems. Not to mention that it can cause serious dermatological and respiratory diseases with long-term effects on humans as well!

Therefore, to clean the living space, bring a pleasant feeling to the sleep of you and your loved ones, the prevention and removal of mold on the mattress are extremely important.

To prevent mold from forming under your RV mattress, understanding the cause is the first step to effective mold prevention and treatment.

What is Mold?

Mold is a type of fungus that can be found both indoors and outdoors. It grows in damp environments and can often be seen on food, wood, and other surfaces that are regularly moist. Mold can cause several health problems, including respiratory issues, skin irritation, and allergies.

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Signs of Mold on RV Mattress

Mattress mold will vary in appearance but are most commonly seen as white, pink, or fluff-like spots on the mattress.

It’s important to note that any mattress is susceptible to mold if the environmental conditions are right for them to grow.

Common early signs of mold are:

  • Malodorous
  • New stains, unknown cause
  • Multi-colored stains
  • Parasites and insects appear on your mattress
  • There is mold in other areas of your bedroom

Spores from mold have a particularly persistent and strong odor that you may not associate with mold, so it is important to have a proper treatment for a moldy mattress.

Mold usually appears on the mattress that comes in contact with the bed, but it may appear elsewhere first.

The reason why that site is most popular for fungal growth is that it has almost no light exposure and limited air circulation.

While the top and sides of the bed see sunlight and artificial light, as well as receive air at all times.

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Why is Your RV Mattress Getting Mold?

Mold can form under an RV mattress for some reason.

One of the main causes is a lack of air circulation, which allows moisture to build up and create an environment in which mold can thrive.

Poor ventilation is often the result of improperly installed or faulty RV appliances, such as air conditioners, furnaces, and water heaters. These appliances can prevent dry air from entering your bedroom, leading to moisture buildup.

Over time, this leads to mold growing under the mattress.

Other things like spilled liquids like soda or juices, cooking oils, and even urine are all potentially dangerous when it comes to bedding.

If these spills are not properly dealt with, they could lead to the growth of mold and other fungi under your mattress.

Urine is especially dangerous because it increases the acidity levels of your mattress, which can prevent proper airflow and lead to moisture build-up.

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8 Tips Help You Prevent Mold Under RV Mattress

In this section, we’ll learn 7 tips to help fight mold under RV mattress.

These tips can be applied to most types of RV mattresses such as Memory Foam mattresses, Latex Foam mattresses, and Spring mattresses.

1. Proper Ventilation for Moisture Removal

Having proper ventilation in your RV is critical to prevent mold under-mattress!

Whether it’s through the use of air conditioning or other means, you want to make sure that moisture can be removed from your bedroom regularly, which will prevent mold from forming.

If moisture build-up is not regularly removed, you run the risk of it becoming a haven for mold growth.

2. Cleaning RV Mattress Regularly

Cleaning your mattress regularly will prevent any contaminants from building up and create an environment in which mold can grow.

The best way to clean an RV bed is with a vacuum cleaner or a brush.

Be sure to avoid using cleaning products, soap, detergents, and any other chemicals when cleaning your mattress. They can also prevent airflow from freely operating in your bedroom.

3. Use Drying Agents to Prevent Mold on Mattress

Drying agents work by absorbing any moisture in your mattress, prevent mold growth.

Drying agent is especially important when doing spring cleaning.

After you’ve had your mattress cleaned, be sure to sprinkle some on the surface of the mattress to prevent any moisture from forming under the cover.

4. Avoid Spilled Liquids on the Bed

Carry out spills as soon as you can and prevent them from leaking onto your mattress.

Spilled liquids act as food sources for mold organisms to grow, spread their spores across your mattress, which prevent airflow and increase the moisture levels in your bedroom.

5. Dehumidify During Winter Months

During winter months, humidity levels tend to be much higher, leading to an increase in the likelihood of mold formation.

Dehumidifying your bathroom would help prevent this from occurring by drawing out as much moisture as possible and prevent any mold spores from germinating.

6. Fix Appliances that Cause Poor Ventilation

If you suspect any of your appliances are causing poor ventilation, be sure to inspect them several times a year to prevent mold.

A common mistake is to let appliances run for too long after filling up with water, which leads the appliance heating up several degrees more than necessary.

This is especially bad for your RV water heater because they can prevent proper airflow by heating up the air around it.

A good idea is to inspect these appliances periodically and ensure that airflow can operate properly in your bedroom.

7. Use Mattress Covers That Allow Air Circulation

Covering your mattress with a polyester or cotton case will prevent moisture from building up, prevent mold growth.

Using a polyester or cotton cover will prevent drafts from entering the bedroom area and prevent moisture from getting trapped under your mattress.

In some scenarios, using a waterproof cover can be beneficial, but it is important to ensure the covers you use allow for good airflow underneath them so that proper ventilation can prevent mold growth.

8. Use a Hypervent Platform

A Hypervent Platform is a device that helps prevent moisture build-up and the growth of mold under RV mattresses.

It is made of an absorbent, non-toxic material that helps remove moisture from the air and prevent any growth of mold.

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How to Remove Mold Under RV Mattress

Step 1. Vacuum both sides of the mattress.

When cleaning your RV mattress, the best way to remove any contaminants is by using a vacuum cleaner. Be sure to vacuum both sides of the mattress to remove all the dirt, dust, and other particles.

This will help prevent any mold from growing in the future.

Step 2. Mix equal amounts of rubbing alcohol and warm water in a disposable container

When it comes to removing mold from an RV mattress, the best way to do it is by mixing equal parts of rubbing alcohol and warm water in a disposable container.

Be sure to stir the mixture well before using it and make sure to wet a cloth with the mixture before using it to clean the mold off your mattress.

Step 3. Rinse the area with a cloth wrung in warm water

After cleaning the mold off your mattress with the mixture of rubbing alcohol and warm water, be sure to rinse the area with a cloth wrung in warm water.

This will help remove any of the remaining residue from the cleaning mixture and prevent any mold from growing back.

Step 4. Spray evenly with a disinfectant suitable for upholstery use

When cleaning mold off an RV mattress, it is important to disinfect the area to prevent any further growth.

One of the best ways to do this is by using a disinfectant spray that is suitable for use on upholstery.

Be sure to spray the area evenly and let it dry completely before using your RV mattress again.

Step 5. Then take the mattress out in direct sunlight

The final step in the process of removing mold from an RV mattress is to take the mattress out in direct sunlight. Sunlight is a natural disinfectant and will help kill any remaining mold spores.

Be sure to leave the mattress out in the sun for several hours, until it is completely dry.


What can I put under my mattress to prevent mold?

There are a few things you can do to prevent mold under your RV mattress. One is to use a hypervent platform, which helps remove moisture from the air and prevent any growth of mold.

Another is to use mattress covers that allow air circulation, as this will help prevent moisture from getting trapped under your mattress. Vacuuming both sides of the mattress regularly will also help prevent any build-up of Mold.

What causes mold under a mattress?

Mold thrives on moisture and warmth. When you take off the bedding and use your mattress, it becomes obvious that under a mattress is an environment perfect for mold to grow: protected from the outside by vinyl or cloth, constantly moist from skin sweat and warm from body heat.


Mold is a common problem in RVs and truck campers, especially under mattresses.

In this article, we have provided solutions to prevent mold under RV mattresses.

Be sure to vacuum both sides of the mattress regularly, use a polyester or cotton cover to prevent drafts and moisture accumulation, and use a hypervent platform to remove moisture from the air.

If you already have mold on your mattress, be sure to follow the steps listed in order to clean it effectively.

Video Sugesstion from Youtube
Don’t Let Your RV Grow Mold Under the Mattress Like We Did: Aire-Flow Moisture Barrier – Adventure Rig
Anti-Condensation Mat for Your Camper Van Mattress // NO MORE MOLD! – Freely Roaming

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Written by Bob Matsuoka
Bob Matsuoka is a blogger and founder of RVing Beginner blog. He has been blogging for over five years, writing about his own familyโ€™s RV adventures, tips for people who are interested in buying an RV or taking their family on an adventure by RV.